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Interesting facts about cycles, periods, our products & much more
Deine Periode muss dich keineswegs von einer längeren Wanderung abhalten! Mit ein bisschen Vorbereitung und den richtigen Produkten kannst du deinen Ausflug entspannt genießen – egal, ob du eine Tageswanderung oder eine Mehrtagestour planst!
Wärmende Periodenunterwäsche für Extra-Entspannung am Unterleib oder am unteren Rücken: Der ooia Hugs ist für dich da, wenn du es brauchst - saugstark, auslaufsicher und mit integrierten Taschen fürs Wärmepad.
Mit der Schwangerschaft verändert sich der Körper und stellt dich vor neue Herausforderungen. ooia Unterwäsche ist während deiner Schwangerschaft, Stillzeit und darüber hinaus für dich da!
Red underwear on New Year's Eve is said to bring good luck in the new year. But why? And what color underwear can you wear if you want to fulfill a specific wish for the new year?
Skiing holiday despite your period? No problem! Find out how to prepare yourself optimally, which period products are best for the slopes and why period underwear is ideal for long days of winter sports.
Finding the perfect period underwear is often difficult, especially in larger sizes. ooia offers premium period underwear in sizes 32/34 to 54 and helps you choose with a practical size chart.
During pregnancy, hormonal changes affect your intimate hygiene and vaginal discharge, which can vary in color, consistency and smell. But what is normal and what is a reason to consult your doctor?
Panty liners are part of everyday life for many women - but the daily use of panty liners is not just a question of comfort, but also of health and sustainability. That's why we would like to introduce you to our ooia everydays as a sustainable and comfortable alternative.
Who says period underwear can't be pretty? We certainly believe that you shouldn't have to go without pretty underwear during your period, and that's exactly why we've developed our lingerie styles.
Finally summer! But how can the heat affect the body, skin and cycle? What should you bear in mind when it comes to skin care in summer? And why is period underwear a popular alternative to disposable period products, especially in hot temperatures?
For our Upcycle Lace period underwear, we use leftover yarn that would otherwise end up in the trash. We want to send a clear message against waste in the fashion industry.
What should you pay attention to or avoid when it comes to your intimate hygiene? Is period underwear hygienic? We have compiled the most important information on the subject of intimate hygiene.
Have you ever heard of "free bleeding"? We explain what it is all about, what advantages free menstruation can have and how you can best try free bleeding.
Menorrhagia can be a burden when menstruation is excessively long and heavy. Find out more about symptoms, causes and treatment options here.
The experts from "Ella's World" told us about the fears associated with the first period, how they promote period education in schools and what challenges they face.
The ooia beachwear is your perfect companion on the beach. We show you our menstrual swimwear in different styles – as period bikini briefs or swimsuits!
When does your period start again after giving birth, and is it normal for it to be heavier, lighter or more painful? Let's take a look at the postpartum cycle:
Would you like to make a pregnant friend* or new parents happy? How lovely! We have collected a few gift ideas for inspiration:
OMG! Ooia just launched BRAS: The bra top of your dreams. And how this fits in with our Boobs Art Event, you can read here.
We present: ooia's first bra - and the only one you really need! Seamless, wire-free and super comfortable. Developed by women for women*
What does caffeine actually mean for your body during your period? Would you prefer decaffeinated coffee? Find out more about the connection between periods and coffee.
Are you looking for the perfect Christmas present for your best friend, mom, aunt or sister? We'll show you a few recommendations!
The ooia Shape Short protects you from sore thighs and supports your curves at the same time. Find out what else makes our shapewear special here:
One in ten women* suffers from endometriosis. We explain how this disease manifests itself and give a voice to those affected who feel supported by ooia period underwear.
We have developed our ooia Seamless Collection with the aim of designing particularly comfortable period underwear. We present you our seamless styles!
ooia's most absorbent period underwear: Learn more about our beloved Strong Styles, which hold up to 6 tampons' worth of fluid.
Pimples and impure skin before your period? We asked ourselves how cycles and skin are connected and give tips for your skincare routine:
If the insides of your legs rub together in summer, it can lead to sore thighs. We have simple tips on how you can avoid this:
Do you love thongs, strings and Brazilians? We present our period underwear string styles.
We explain how nutrition and cycle are related and what you can eat to optimally support your body in each phase.
Conventional detergents often contain questionable ingredients. We present our ooia Care washing concentrate: deeply nourishing, particularly skin-friendly and gentle on your ooia.
Here you can find out why sleep disorders and menstruation are related, how you can sleep better despite your period and what can generally help you fall asleep:
We share tips and tricks on how to reduce the amount of sweating and avoid sweat stains under the armpits.