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Great news! The more ooia products you buy, the more you save!

Shipping is free for two or more ooias, for three or more ooias you get an additional 5% discount and for five or more ooias you even get 10% discount.

The discount code will be automatically added to your shopping cart - it's that easy to benefit from our permanent savings offer when purchasing multiple ooias. Maybe you can team up with a friend and save together.

ooia Essentials

zwei Frauen in beiger und schwarzer nahtloser Periodenunterwäsche und nahtloser BHs

Period underwear

Period underwear keeps you feeling safe and dry during your period – and looks just as beautiful as your favorite underwear.

Frau in nahtlosem schwarzem Perioden Slip und Moms Still BH mit Pull-Down Funktion


From pregnancy to the postpartum period to breastfeeding: we develop innovative products that make this special time easier for you: leak-proof, comfortable and sustainable.

zwei Frauen in seamless midnight everyday Panties die Slipeinlagen ersetzen und nahtlosen BHs

Every day

Our ooia everyday underwear is soft, comfortable, vegan and can replace panty liners thanks to the innovative inner fabric. Ideal for when you're not on your period!