When we decided to found ooia (then still ooshi) in 2018, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into - but today we can proudly say: "It was worth it" and we would do it again and again. Because so many women* keep telling us how positively our products have changed their lives. We are proud of this and look back with joy at all the milestones we have achieved together with our team in recent years.
In August 2018, we registered ooshi GmbH. The production of the first three styles was financed with a Kickstarter campaign. Shortly afterwards, our webshop went live and the first products were shipped by the end of the year.
In June 2019, we launched the new product category ooia Teens and were guests on the Lion's Den. We decided against the offer at the time. (Photo: TVNOW / Bernd-Michael Maurer)
In March 2020 we celebrated 100,000 products sold.In Aprilwent ournew product category ooshi Moms was launched - with absorbent nursing bras that can replace nursing pads. In June ooshi was renamed ooia.
In April 2021, we celebrated 100,000 happy ooia customers. Over the course of the year, we began to think further about our products. The result: period underwear 2.0 with our first ooia Lingerie Styles , the seamless ooia Seamless or the ooia Hugs with integrated heat pad.
In March 2022 we launched our first ooiaeveryday Collection: underwear for every day that can replace panty liners. In April we welcomed our 200,000th customer*. Our ooia period beachwear collection followed in May. Now ooia is celebrating its 4th birthday.
Unser 2023 war bunt! Neben zahlreichen Launches in neuen Farben wie Bold Blue, Merlot oder Hot Pink haben wir außerdem unser bei euch so beliebtes Seamless-Sortiment erweitert und durch hochwertige, wirklich nahtlose Verarbeitung neue Standards für nahtlose Periodenunterwäsche gesetzt. Im Sommer ergänzte die Shape Short unser Female Bodywear Sortiment als ooias erste Shapewear!
In 2024 hieß es: OMG - ooia just launched bras! Wir haben noch mehr Produkte entwickelt, die Frauen* in ihrem Alltag empowern sollen: Darunter das super komfortable ooia all-you-need Bra Top und die Schwangerschaftspanty ooia Belly Hugger. Und im Oktober haben wir dank eurer Unterstützung und Treue unser nächstes Ziel erreicht: unglaubliche 2 Millionen verkaufte ooias!
Sliding into your dm: Große Neuigkeiten für alle in Österreich! Ab 2024 gibt es ooia endlich auch im stationären Einzelhandel zu kaufen - und zwar in über 350 österreichischen dm-Filialen! Hast du uns schon entdeckt?
2019: Creative Pilots Award of the Federal Government
2020: German Startup Award
2020: KFW Award Gründen (national winner)
2020: Entrepreneur of the Year from the Berlin Senate
2021: Top Startup Brands in Germany by Jung von Matt
2022: German Brand Award in the category "Startup Of The Year 2022"