your perfect start with ooia period underwear

medium-strong ( Produkte)
extra-strong ( Produkte)
medium-strong ( Produkte)
medium-strong ( Produkte)

Period underwear for beginners: your perfect starter set

Are you new to period underwear? Then you are in the right place! We understand that the thought of swapping out traditional period products for something new can perhaps be a bit daunting. And yet: 400,000 satisfied customers and over 15,000 5-star ratings on Trustpilot can't be wrong! Maybe we can convince you with our period underwear styles for beginners :)

Your sustainable alternative: the advantages of period underwear

Unlike disposable products like tampons or pads, period underwear is washable and reusable. This creates less waste, fewer resources are used and you avoid countless single-use products in the garbage. We have developed a sophisticated membrane system that ensures that our period underwear keeps you dry, hygienic and safe throughout the day.

Your first period underwear: These styles are particularly suitable for beginners

Our beginner styles are particularly comfortable and convenient. Here you will find panties with normal and strong absorbency, so that they can cover different strong days and nights of your period. How much and when you use ooia period underwear depends on your needs, for example your preferences and the overall strength of your flow. To completely cover a period, we recommend about 5 period panties - assuming that you wear one at night and one during the day, and wash the used panties after two days. If you would like to learn more about how period underwear works, how it is cared for and what makes our ooias special, we recommend our magazine article: What is period underwear?