Sign up for our newsletter now and receive the you do you booklet 2023 as an e-book! With the digital version, you can complete the various exercises and tests from home on your laptop or on the go on your mobile phone.
Additionally, we will give you 5€ discount on your next order.
The e-book will help you:
✔️ Examine your current stress level using a mindfulness test
✔️ Prioritize your time correctly
✔️ Find solutions to better manage crises
Together with the mindfulness experts from Ein Guter Plan, we would like to give you the opportunity to start the new year in a reflective and mindful way. The you do you e-book 2023 will help you, above all, to deal with your own resilience and to strengthen it.
Almost every menstruating person knows it: Period discomforts are varied and range from emotional discomfort to physical stress and severe pain. But did you know that stress can also have an impact on your period the other way around?
In this article, we'll look at what you can do to prevent internal stress and thus minimize the effects of stress on your period. We'll give you tips on how to deal with your own resilience and strengthen it. Let's find out together how we can do this!
One way to combat stress is through exercise. It doesn't always have to be an intense workout - even a walk in the fresh air can help clear your head and relax your body. Yoga and meditation are also great ways to calm your body and mind.
Another way to reduce stress is through a healthy diet. Lots of fruit, vegetables and fresh foods can help provide your body with important nutrients.
It is important to mention that everyone reacts to stress differently and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. That's why you should find out what causes you stress in the first place. Our you do you 2023 e-book contains exercises that will help you take a closer look at your stress levels. For example, you will be able to find out what gives you energy and which situations cause you stress.
To be more mindful of yourself and your cycle, you can keep a menstrual calendar. This way you can see when your period is coming and how long it lasts. In the exclusive e-book you will also find a mindfulness test that will help you find out how mindfully you are currently dealing with stress. This way you can also be better prepared when your period comes and when you are in pain.
It is also important to drink enough water and ensure you get enough relaxation. Moderate exercise when you feel like it, but also rest and relaxation can make you feel better.
We hope these tips provide you with some relief.
If you want to integrate more resilience into your everyday life, get our free you do you mindfulness booklet 2023 as an e-book. Simply sign up for our newsletter and receive the e-book by email.