Together with midwife Sissi Rasche , who supports us with advice and assistance, we have developed a comprehensive birth preparation checklist. You can find this, along with other exciting tips on the subject of birth preparation, in our 31-page e-book . We are also giving you a 10% discount on your next order.
The birth of a child is certainly one of the most beautiful experiences in life. But birth is also a life-changing experience and always brings with it many changes and challenges. It is therefore all the more helpful to prepare carefully for it - and also for the time afterwards.
We would like to give you the most important facts in one place so that you are optimally prepared for all eventualities.
Sissi Rasche is an expert in birth preparation and has accompanied many births. On Instagram, she gives her more than 97,000 followers an insight into her work as a midwife and also shares content about births, the postpartum period, pre- and post-natal health care, breastfeeding and the first time with your own child. She has exclusively revealed to us the most important information and tips on birth preparation.
Would you like a sneak peak in advance? You can find an overview of the contents of the e-book as well as excerpts on the topics of hospital bags and initial equipment here .
The contents of the e-book will help you prepare for birth and include topics such as:
- Find a midwife & create a birth plan
- Choice of birth location and hospital preparation
- Pack your hospital bag: What you should take with you for the birth in the hospital
- Preparation for the postpartum period
- Basic equipment and baby clothes
- Financial preparation
- Five exclusive tips from Sissi Rasche for the first months with baby
Curious about what to expect? We'll give you an exclusive insight into our content on hospital bags and baby essentials. You can find more information, tips and helpful checklists to tick off in our e-book.
The most important things in the hospital are your hospital card and your maternity record, as well as your ID card (or passport). Everything else can be obtained later. Comfortable clothing, toiletries and snacks can definitely make your hospital stay more pleasant. In the e-book you will find more exclusive tips for the hospital bag from midwife Sissi Rasche.
Generally speaking, size 50 fits right from birth and from about one month onwards, and bodysuits in particular should be really tight-fitting, even if they grow together more quickly. This is because they are your baby's underwear and since babies cannot yet regulate their own temperature, it is important that they fit well and keep them warm.
This also applies to summer.